Friday, March 30, 2012

Cardiac Tumor

In this article I want to talk about center illnesses that are not very typical and can impact any aspect of the center, so a few people actually know something about them.

There are two kinds of heart tumor: harmless and malign.

1) Benign tumors
1.1) Myxoma
This situation symbolizes a heart harmless growth, which generates within the oral cavaties of your center and usually occurs in the left atrium of the center so that it will impact the blood veins circulation from within your center. Most typical warning signs of this cardiovascular situation are: losing weight, high temperature and it can go until death happens.

1.2) Rhabdomyomas
This situation usually happens at kids and babies. This growth is usually found in the myocardium or in the endocardium and is accountable for one in four situations of center cancers causing heart inadequacy. Most typical signs for this sickness are: discomfort in stomach area, and feeling sick.

1.3) Fibromas
These cancers usually advances in the myocardium or in the endocardium, and impacts the valves of the center. If you cannot see or feel this growth you can't recognize it because there aren't any signs related to this situation.

1.4) Teratomas of the pericardium
This situation usually advances on the main veins and it in most situations it is find at babies. This situation is quite unusual and like the other one it does not cause any signs.

2) Dangerous tumors
This type of cancers generates in other aspect of the system and from there it propagates to the center. This cancers are seen in most situations than harmless cancers, it can develop from any center tissue and advances in most situations in kids.

2.1) Angiosarcomas
This is accountable for over a third of malign center cancers and usually starts distributing from the right side of the center. Until know the causes for this growth are not very clear and the warning signs of this situation rely on the location and stage of the growth.

2.2) Fibrosarcomas
This situation usually generates as a main or additional cuboid growth. Until know are known two kinds of fibrosarcoma of bone:

2.2.1) First one is main fibrosarcoma which is a situation which makes varying amounts of collagen

2.2.2) The second one is called additional fibrosarcoma of cuboid and it usually generates from a sore that prevails on the system or after a radiotherapy. Most typical signs for this situation may be: brittle bone, discomfort, urinating very often and blocked urinating.

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